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莫非 | Mo Fei
表面的世界:白皮松系列 | Realms of the Surface: Lacebark Pine
Spring 2013, #2
盧漢耀 | Henry Lo Hon-yiu
方圓一脈 | The Unified Stroke
Summer/Fall 2013, #3
Kent C. Behrens | 肯特·貝倫斯
Stem and Digression | 莖與分枝
Winter 2013-14, #4
楊鍵 | Yang Jian
道之容顏 | Faces of the Dao
Spring 2014, #5
Kristin Pluhacek | 克莉斯汀·普魯哈切克
Gestures | 姿
Summer/Fall 2014, #6
王嶷 | Wang Yi
版話 | Wood and Shadow: A Dialogue
Winter 2014-15, #7
Larry Zgoda | 拉里·司格達
Bending the Light | 彎曲的光
Spring 2015, #8
劉定渝 & 劉天可 | Danny Liu & Tien-Call Liu
天水之間 | Between Sky and Stream, Father and Son
Summer/Fall 2015, #9
良亮人 | Liang Liang
「無忌鹽」與其他系列 | “Nothing Scares Salt” & Other Images
Winter 2015-16, #10
車前子 | Che Qianzi
風入松 | Wind Entering Pine
Spring 2016, #11
胡敏 | Hu Min
圓明園的藝術家們 | The Light of Measured Days
Winter 2016-17, #12
多多 | Duo Duo
無題之畫 | Paintings, Untitled
Winter 2017-18, #13
楊維中 | Yang Wei-chung
因為風的緣故 | Because of the Wind
Summer/Fall 2020, #14
Happy are those who know that behind all words stands the Unsayable—Rainer Maria Rilke
Art Talk with NEALiterature Translation Fellow George O’Connell
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