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Wood and Shadow: A Dialogue
Woodcuts © Wang Yi

Printmaker and illustrator Wang Yi graduated in 2002 from the Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts Printmaking Department. For Guangzhou’s 2014 Poetry and People 9th International Prize, she created a portrait sequence of the current and previous prizewinning poets. Among her honors are the Charles B. Wang Scholarship Award and the Guangdong Printmaking Exhibition Prize. Her woodcuts have been featured at both regional and metropolitan museums in numerous mainland Chinese cities, including Guangzhou, Shenzhen, and Shanghai.  Her work has also appeared in Penang (Malaysia), Macao, Kyoto, Milan, and at Heidelberg’s Galerie Schillerstrasse.

Whether selected moments from a narrative, abstracted meditations, or portraiture, Wang Yi’s work delivers its energy in sharply expressionistic blacks and whites. Some of these, as social commentary, offer grotesques whose stark power recalls George Grosz’s paintings of interwar Berlin.

王嶷, 版畫家,插畫師,2002年畢業於廣州美術學院版畫系,一直專注木版畫創作和插畫工作。近年來在中國廣州、佛山、澳門特別行政區及德國海德堡等地舉辦個人木刻展覽。2014年,為慶祝詩歌與人國際詩人獎,在廣州舉辦「嘗試讚美這殘缺的世界」詩人肖像版畫展。作品參加第二屆檳城國際版畫展、第六屆京都國際木版畫展、2008年義大利米蘭繪畫展、2005年第十七屆全國版畫展等多個國內外展覽,獲2005年廣東版畫展版畫獎、2002年廣東版畫展銀獎、 2002年廣州美術學院王嘉廉獎學金創作一等獎等,並為多個藝術機構收藏,包括澳門特別行政區政府文化局,廣東美術館,廣州美術學院美術館,深圳何香凝美術館,四川神州版畫博物館,汕頭博物館,貴陽美術館,上海明園文化藝術中心,德國席勒畫廊。


Artist’s Statement

I like to begin work before daybreak. In the hot season, night’s retreat comes with refreshing coolness in the air. When I hear small birds, I know the day’s come and I’m ahead of it.

I approach a woodcut first by sketching, inviting narratives that may lead to an enchanted grove. As the path meanders, I encounter surprises, slowly finding a way past hesitations and dead-ends, all the time considering, reflecting. Sometimes there’s no arrival, only motion. Woodcut is simple, exacting, but not at all obscure. It draws me on, expressing moods and feelings difficult to convey in words.


